Athanasios Koustelios is a Professor of «Human Resources Management» in the Department of Business Administration at the University of Thessaly, Greece. He has a Bachelor Degree from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (1986), Greece and a Ph.D. from the University of Manchester, UK (1991).
He was Vice-Rector of the University of Thessaly, (2013-2014), Head of the Department (2004-2006), President of the Hellenic Association of Sport Management (2002-2003) and from 2005-20219, he was the director of the “Sport and Recreation Management Laboratory”. Since, 2014, is a member of the Advisory Board of the Institute of Cultural Diplomacy, Berlin.
He has published more than 120 papers in internationals and Greek refereed journal, and has more than 180 conference presentations in the areas of organization behaviour, and human resource management in various organizations (sport, recreation, sport tourism, educational organizations, etc). He has also been a regular reviewer for 15 scientific journals and is currently a member in many scientific and professional bodies.
His research expertise is in the area of human resource management, organizational behaviour and sport management.
This paper aims at examining the issues of job satisfaction and job burnout in coaches of various sports. Through the review of the literature review, it is indicated that job satisfaction is related among others to salary, organisational commitment, organisational support, life satisfaction, and work-life conflict. Job burnout is strongly related on the one hand to chronic stress and on the other on the persistent imbalance between demands and coping resources. Overall the review of the international bibliography indicates the need of coaches to support and educational programs for coping with stress, and acquiring skills related to communication, conflict resolution, negotiation. In addition, managers of the teams and the sports organisations and association should take into account motivation methods, and techniques of enhancing the organisational support and organisational commitment of coaches.
ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was: a) to investigate the level of "Work Engagement" and "Perceived Work Stress" in the Greek Banking Sector, b) to examine if the demographic characteristics affect the "Work Engagement" and "Perceived Work Stress" and c) to reveal the relationship between these two concepts. The sample of this study was 238 bank employees. To measure engagement, Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES) (Schaufeli et al., 2002b, Schaufeli & Bakker, 2004) was used. To measure perceived work stress was used the questionnaire that had been designed by Cohen and his associates (Cohen, Karmarck, & Mermelstein, 1983). The results show that the level of work Engagement of bank employees was high and that bank employees experienced a high level of work stress. Moreover, it was revealed that the gender, the age, the marital status, the level of studies, the year of service and the position that someone had in the bank affect both the levels of work Engagement and of perceived work stress. Furthermore, it was found that there is a negative correlation between Engagement and Perceived Work Stress.
The purpose of the present study is to investigate the job satisfaction experienced by bank employees in Greece and how much it is affected by several demographic factors. More specifically, it is investigated how the factors of gender, age, educational level, years of experience in the specific institution, total years of experience and position in the specific institution affect the feeling of personal accomplishment of employees in bank institutions in Greece. The most appropriate research method for the purposes of the study was considered to be the quantitative research method. The tool which was used for data collection is the Employee Satisfaction Inventory, ESI, created by Koustelios, 1991. It included 24 questions, which measure six dimensions of job satisfaction: 1. Working conditions (M = 3.13), 2. Earnings (M = 3.30), 3. Promotions (M = 3.21), 4. Nature of work (M = 3.58), 5. Immediate superior (M = 2.81) and 6. The institution as a whole (M = 3.91) (total Chronbach’s α = 0.79). The responses were given in a five-level Likert scale: 1 = I strongly disagree, 5 = I strongly agree. The sample of the present study consisted of 258 employees of Greek banks and credit institutions. The results of the study showed that the aspects of job satisfaction experienced by Greek bank employees is affected by several demographic features, like age, gender, educational level and position held by the employee. However, further investigation should be carried out in the Greek population, so that the phenomenon of job satisfaction is well studied and promoted.
ABSTRACT: The purpose of the present study was to reveal how gender and educational background influences the perceptions of bank employees of organizational culture. The sample of the study consisted of 240 employees from Greek banking institutions, from different occupational positions. 30% of the participants were males and 70% females. The majority of the participants (50%) hold a university degree (N=120) while 20% of them (N=48) had also a postgraduate degree. The assessment of organizational culture was performed with the Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI) developed by Cameron and Quinn (2006). Results indicate that there is a significant difference in the perceptions of the subjects between the two genders (p<0.001), with females preferring the clan organizational culture while males preferred the more competitive market type. In addition, educational background also proved to moderately influence the beliefs of the subjects about organizational culture. Future studies can extend the present work by examining additional parameters that affect employees perceptions of organizational culture.
ABSTRACT: In the past years, the role of the accountant has changed due to the continuous development of the market economy. As we enter the technological era, students and teachers have both changed their methods of learning and acquiring information, making the implementation of ICT technologies in the teaching process of accounting a necessity. In the present study, we propose a research outline of a web based tool for the teaching of accounting in replacement of traditional classroom teaching. The main objectives of the present research are the following: 1) The application of an LMS system as main teaching tool of an accounting course and 2) The comparison of the LMS tool to traditional lecture type teaching method.
ABSTRACT: Much emphasis has been placed in the higher education literature, to the understanding of the manner and process of providing education in the accounting discipline. Specifically, the emphasis on using innovative teaching practices such as information and communication technologies, the Internet as well as various computer programs, simulations, case studies on real and virtual work environments, have been investigated in an attempt to understand current demands and move the discipline forward. Following a thorough review of the relevant literature, this study aims to identify and present different views and research findings on the key issue of teaching accounting, internationally. The findings suggest that despite the availability of the former teaching practices, students mainly prefer personalized teacher-centered methods; they also recommend the aforementioned practices as ancillary tools to the traditional method, rather than key learning tools in the courses taken. These findings have obvious implications for the design of accounting course curricula by professional bodies and/or Higher Education Institutions in order to help graduates meet and adapt to the demands for professional competency development in the accounting field.