
Efstathios Velissariou

Building: Dpt of Business Administration


Telephone: +30 2410-684243

Student reception hours: Tuesday 12:00-14:00, Wednesday 14:00-15:00

Velissariou Efstathios is Professor in the Department of Business Administration at the University of Thessaly in Greece. He graduated with Honors from the Department of Economics at the University of Thessaloniki in the field of "Business Economics". After attending postgraduate courses in the field of Marketing at the University of Munich, he completed his Doctoral Thesis in the Department of Political Economy at the University of Munich on the "Economic Impact of Tourism". He also successfully attended the Course "Open and Distance Education" at the Hellenic Open University.

Since 2000 is Lecturer in the Master’s program of the "Business Administration in Tourism" at the Hellenic Open University. In 2005 he was elected as Assistant Professor in the Department of Tourism Enterprises at the Technological Educational Institute of Thessaly in the subject "Administration of Tourism Enterprises". Since 2019, Dr. Velissariou joined the University of Thessaly, as Professor in the Department of Business Administration.

Professor Velissariou served as Vice rector of Technological Educational Institute (TEI) of Thessaly (2013-17), as President of the Department of Tourism Enterprises of TEI Thessaly (2005-2011) and as Deputy President of the Department of Business Administration of the University of Thessaly (2020-21). Today is Director of the Postgraduate Program in “Management of Educational Institutions” at the University of Thessaly.

Bevor his academic career, at professional level (between 1991 and 2005), Dr. Velissariou gained significant professional experience in the fields of Business Administration and Tourism. Initially he was employed in the Education Directorate of the Hellenic Tourism Organization. Then he was employed as Senior Business Consultant in an international Business Consultants Company, in the implementation of European programs in Greece and abroad. At the same time, he also served as director of studies in Vocational Training Centers. As freelancer he has participated in a very large number of projects, studies and research programs as member or scientific supervisor.

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The Observatory of Sustainable Tourism in the Northern Sporades Islands in Greece

The paper presents the project and the methodology of the establishment of a sustainable tourism observatory in the islands of the Northern Sporades in Greece in 2021. The mission of the observatory ( will be the collection of tourist data for the measuring of indicators and the estimation of tourist trends, in order to provide evidence for a sustainable tourism development in the region. The Northern Sporades Islands are a small complex of islands in the North-west Aegean Sea, which show especially in the last 20 years intense tourist growth. At the same time, the area is distinguished by special natural features such as the National marine park, which are a nature reserve for a series of terrestrial and marine species living in the Mediterranean Sea, including the Mediterranean monk seal (Monachus monachus).

Belias D., Velissariou E., Koustelios A., Varsanis K., Kyriakou D., Sdrolias L., (2016),“Integrating Total Quality Management philosophy in the Greek tourism sector” 5th International Conference on Strategic Innovative Marketing, Athens , Greece, September 23-26, 2016

Tourism sector is currently facing challenges due to the fast paced environment, the changes that it needs to keep up with and the financial crisis as well. Within a highly demanding framework the needs for high standards and total quality management arises. Organizations that are related to tourism need to introduce a philosophy of sustainability by developing innovative practices that will enable them to reserve their competitive advantage. Therefore, total quality management can be a useful tool in improving their products and services by focusing in quality parameters. Keywords: Total Quality Management (TQM), Tourism sector, Greece

Belias D., Velissariou E., Koustelios A., Varsanis K., Kyriakou D., Sdrolias L., (2016),“ The role of organizational culture in the Greek higher tourism quality” 5th International Conference on Strategic Innovative Marketing, Athens , Greece, September 23-26, 2016

Abstract: Organizational culture is considered to be important , if not essential, in all industries and businesses nowadays. Every company has its own unique personality, just like people do. This unique personality of an organization refers to its culture. In order to become more effective, organizations have realized how important is the role of their culture and the critical effects it has especially within the tourism industry. The quality of the services and products is affected to a high extent. Keywords: Total Quality Management (TQM), Tourism sector, Greece

Belias D., Kyriakou D., Velissariou E., Koustelios A., Varsanis K., Sdrolias L. (2016),“Business model in hospitality services: An implementation must? 11 th Annual MIBES International Conference, TEI of Thessaly, 22-24 June 2016, Heraklion, Greece pp. 60-69

The purpose of this paper is to present the parameters which can influence the achievement of business models applied in the hospitality services. The methodology of the study is literature review, based on bibliography. The core outcomes of the study showed that the business models success, in the hospitality sector depends on the client value creation, the innovation procedures in order to deliver the service to the client, as well as cooperation with the other partners and with client as well. The outcome of this study is that the quality of products or services, to conquer new markets. The management of customer relationships is more imperative than ever to hosting services, since the majority of the target market depends on the repeated customers. In addition, there is a need to achieve coordination between the external and internal customer to create additional value for the customer, to meet the needs of current and future market and more generally to enable employees participation in decision-making as well as to business strategy formulation.

Kyriakou D., Vellisariou E., Belias D., Sdrolias L., Mantas C. (2016). “The importance of Customer Relationship Management and social media in the Greek wine tourism industry”, in: Proceedings of the 1st Winetourism Congress (IMIC 2016), Santorini Insel, Greece, 14-16 October

During the last decades the wine industry in Greece has moved on to significant modernization. Thus, the wine produces have focused into the wine-tourism which seems to be a lucrative sector for wine producers. However, there is a necessity to construct a strong back-end which will be ready to serve the customers. For this reason the paper will examine the value of CRM and of social media on the wine tourism in Greece. The paper is a genuine one, since there has not been any similar research on this field. In addition to this, it is paper which will provide a sound knowledge on practioners over how to utilize them. The outcome of this literature review, indicates that CRM surely would benefit those firms, however it seems that the way that the operate – relying on traditional marketing methods, hence the use of social media may not be the ideal though word of mouth is important on this sector. Surely, this leaves a space for future research. This can be qualitative research where the wine makers will express their views and perceptions over the use of CRM and social media on their industry.

Nation Branding for Education and Research: Could Greece Become a Beacon?

Belias D., Kyriakou D. , Velissariou E., Koustelios A., Varsanis K., Sdrolias L.,(2016), “Nation Branding for Education and Research: Could Greece Become a Beacon?", Πρακτικά του 1ου Πανελλήνιου Επιστημονικού Συνεδρίου με Διεθνή Συμμετοχή “Ελλάδα - Ευρώπη 2020: Εκπαίδευση, Δια Βίου Μάθηση, Έρευνα, Καινοτομία και Οικονομία”, Ελληνικό Ινστιτούτο Οικονομικών της Εκπαίδευσης & Δια Βίου Μάθησης, της Έρευνας & Καινοτομίας, Χαροκόπειο Πανεπιστήμιο, Αθήνα, 1-3 Ιουλίου Abstract The aim of this paper is to examine the concept of Nation branding for education and research in Greece. The concept of nation branding for education and research is a brand new concept, therefore there is a need for further research on this topic. The authors has produced a critical discussion, based on the existing literature but also on personal comments, on whether Nation branding for education and research can apply in Greece. There are many obstacles, such as the legal framework, the lack of entrepreneurial culture among the academics but also a hesitation to allow the operation of private universities in Greece. However, a future empirical research may produce the necessary data which help us to understand what can be the potentials of this concept in Greece. Keywords: Nation branding for education, Greece