
Belias D., Koustelios A., Sdolias L., Koutiva M. (2013). The Influence of Demographic Features on the Job Satisfaction of Greek Bank Employees. International Journal of Human Resource Management and Research. Volume – Issue 3-4. Page No 15-28

The purpose of the present study is to investigate the job satisfaction experienced by bank employees in Greece and how much it is affected by several demographic factors. More specifically, it is investigated how the factors of gender, age, educational level, years of experience in the specific institution, total years of experience and position in the specific institution affect the feeling of personal accomplishment of employees in bank institutions in Greece. The most appropriate research method for the purposes of the study was considered to be the quantitative research method. The tool which was used for data collection is the Employee Satisfaction Inventory, ESI, created by Koustelios, 1991. It included 24 questions, which measure six dimensions of job satisfaction: 1. Working conditions (M = 3.13), 2. Earnings (M = 3.30), 3. Promotions (M = 3.21), 4. Nature of work (M = 3.58), 5. Immediate superior (M = 2.81) and 6. The institution as a whole (M = 3.91) (total Chronbach’s α = 0.79). The responses were given in a five-level Likert scale: 1 = I strongly disagree, 5 = I strongly agree. The sample of the present study consisted of 258 employees of Greek banks and credit institutions. The results of the study showed that the aspects of job satisfaction experienced by Greek bank employees is affected by several demographic features, like age, gender, educational level and position held by the employee. However, further investigation should be carried out in the Greek population, so that the phenomenon of job satisfaction is well studied and promoted.
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The purpose of the present study is to investigate the job satisfaction experienced by bank employees in Greece and how much it is affected by several demographic factors. More specifically, it is investigated how the factors of gender, age, educational level, years of experience in the specific institution, total years of experience and position in the specific institution affect the feeling of personal accomplishment of employees in bank institutions in Greece. The most appropriate research method for the purposes of the study was considered to be the quantitative research method. The tool which was used for data collection is the Employee Satisfaction Inventory, ESI, created by Koustelios, 1991. It included 24 questions, which measure six dimensions of job satisfaction: 1. Working conditions (M = 3.13), 2. Earnings (M = 3.30), 3. Promotions (M = 3.21), 4. Nature of work (M = 3.58), 5. Immediate superior (M = 2.81) and 6. The institution as a whole (M = 3.91) (total Chronbach’s α = 0.79). The responses were given in a five-level Likert scale: 1 = I strongly disagree, 5 = I strongly agree. The sample of the present study consisted of 258 employees of Greek banks and credit institutions. The results of the study showed that the aspects of job satisfaction experienced by Greek bank employees is affected by several demographic features, like age, gender, educational level and position held by the employee. However, further investigation should be carried out in the Greek population, so that the phenomenon of job satisfaction is well studied and promoted.

The purpose of the present study is to investigate the job satisfaction experienced by bank employees in Greece and how much it is affected by several demographic factors. More specifically, it is investigated how the factors of gender, age, educational level, years of experience in the specific institution, total years of experience and position in the specific institution affect the feeling of personal accomplishment of employees in bank institutions in Greece. The most appropriate research method for the purposes of the study was considered to be the quantitative research method. The tool which was used for data collection is the Employee Satisfaction Inventory, ESI, created by Koustelios, 1991. It included 24 questions, which measure six dimensions of job satisfaction: 1. Working conditions (M = 3.13), 2. Earnings (M = 3.30), 3. Promotions (M = 3.21), 4. Nature of work (M = 3.58), 5. Immediate superior (M = 2.81) and 6. The institution as a whole (M = 3.91) (total Chronbach’s α = 0.79). The responses were given in a five-level Likert scale: 1 = I strongly disagree, 5 = I strongly agree. The sample of the present study consisted of 258 employees of Greek banks and credit institutions. The results of the study showed that the aspects of job satisfaction experienced by Greek bank employees is affected by several demographic features, like age, gender, educational level and position held by the employee. However, further investigation should be carried out in the Greek population, so that the phenomenon of job satisfaction is well studied and promoted.