
Αθανάσιος Κουστέλιος

Κτίριο: Διοίκησης  Επιχειρήσεων


Email: akoustel@uth.gr

Τηλέφωνο: 2410-684580






Ο Αθανάσιος Κουστέλιος είναι Kαθηγητής «Διοίκησης Ανθρώπινων Πόρων» στο Τμήμα Διοίκησης Επιχειρήσεων του Πανεπιστημίου Θεσσαλίας.


Έχει δημοσιεύσει  περισσότερα από 120 άρθρα σε έγκυρα διεθνή και ελληνικά περιοδικά, ενώ έχει περισσότερες από 180 ανακοινώσεις σε συνέδρια στην Ελλάδα και στο εξωτερικό. Είναι μέλος ελληνικών και διεθνών επιστημονικών ενώσεων και κριτής ελληνικών και διεθνών επιστημονικών περιοδικών.


Διετέλεσε Αναπληρωτής Πρύτανη στο Παν. Θεσσαλίας την περίοδο 2013-2014, Πρόεδρος του Τ.Ε.Φ.Α.Α. του Παν. Θεσσαλίας  την περίοδο 2004-2006 και Πρόεδρος της Ελληνικής Εταιρίας Διοίκησης Αθλητισμού (Ελλ.Ε.Δ.Α.) την περίοδο 2002-2004, ενώ ήταν Διευθυντής του Εργαστηρίου Οργάνωσης Διοίκησης Αθλητισμού & Αναψυχής του Τ.Ε.Φ.Α.Α. - Παν. Θεσσαλίας από το 2005-2019. Από το 2014 είναι μέλος του  AdvisoryBoardofInstituteofCulturalDiplomacy (έδρα Βερολίνο).


Τα ερευνητικά του ενδιαφέροντα αφορούν θέματα οργανωσιακής συμπεριφοράς, διοίκησης ανθρώπινων πόρων και διοίκησης αθλητισμού.

Πλήρες βιογραφικό

Προβολή ως
Ταξινόμηση ανά
Εμφάνιση ανά σελίδα

Belias D., Koustelios A.(2015). Leadership Style, Job Satisfaction and Organizational Culture in the Greek Banking Organization. Journal of Management Research. Vol. 5 , Issue. 2. Page No 101 – 110

Abstract: The purpose of the present investigation is to study the relationship between Greek Banks' leadership style, employee's job satisfaction and organizational culture. Leadership is thought to be a key aspect of organizational culture, affecting employees' satisfaction with their work, colleagues and superiors. For the purposes of the present study, leadership style was measured with the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (M. L. Q. - 5x), a tool created by Avolio and Bass (2004). The questionnaire measures different styles of leadership: 1) Transformational, 2) Transactional 3) Passive/ Laissez-faire. For the measurement of job satisfaction, the Employee Satisfaction Inventory (E. S. I.) was used, a tool created by Koustelios (1991). It includes 24 items which measure six dimensions of job satisfaction: 1. Working conditions, 2. Salary, 3. Promotions, 4. Work itself, 5. Immediate superior and 6. The organization as a whole. For the measurement of organizational culture the Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI), developed by Cameron and Quinn (2006), was used. It consists of six questions (Dominant Characteristics, Organizational Leadership, Management of Employees, Organizational Glue, Strategic Emphases, Criteria of Success) and each question has four alternatives (A=Clan, B=Adhocracy, C=Market, D=Hierarchy). Results showed that there is a difference between the dominant (hierarchy) and the preferred culture types (adhocracy and clan), which is proportional to the relationship between leadership style and job satisfaction of employees.

Belias D., Gkolia A., Koustelios A., Varsanis K. (2015). Leadership Style and personal characteristics of Greek banking employees. Journal of Management Research. Vol. 5 , Issue. 3. Page No 156 – 164

ABSTRACT: The literature review provides mixed results regarding the impact of demographic characteristics (gender, age, educational background, job position, and working experience) on leadership style. Therefore, the aim of this study is twofold. On the one hand, it aims to test the level of different leadership styles by a sample of Greek bank employees and on the other hand, it aims to explore those background characteristics that have an impact on different leadership styles, based on employees’ perception. The sample of the present study consists of 487 Greek bank employees. Leadership style was measured using the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (M. L. Q. – 5) designed by Avolio and Bass (2004). The questionnaire measures three different styles of leadership: 1) Transformational, 2) Transactional 3) Passive/ Avoidant. Transformational leadership style includes the following items: Idealized Influence (attributes), Idealized Influence (Behaviours), Inspirational Motivation, Intellectual Motivation, and Individualised Consideration. Transactional leadership style includes the following items: Contingent Reward, and Management by Exception: Active. Finally, Passive/ Avoidant leadership style includes the following items: Management by Exception: Passive and Laissez-faire. The results of this study indicated that the employees rated higher transactional and transformational leadership styles, as it is indicated by other researchers. Moreover, it was found that the demographic characteristics of employees, namely gender, age, educational background, working experience, and job position, have an effect on various items regarding leadership style, effectiveness and satisfaction from leadership styles based on employees’ perception. Due to the fact that the outcomes are still ambiguous, further study is needed.


The purpose of the present study was to reveal how demographic characteristics influence the perceptions of bank employees of organizational culture. The sample of the study consisted of 240 employees from Greek banking institutions, from different occupational positions. 60% of the employees were 31-40 years old followed by the categories 41-50 years old (20%), up to 30 years old (10%) and 51-60 years old (10%). Most of the employees (63.8%) had been working as bank employees for 6-15 years and the majority of them (63.8%) had been working in the same bank for 6-15 years. The majority of the employees (59.6%) were simple clerks, 29.2% were supervisors and 11.3% were Managers or Assistant Managers. The assessment of organizational culture was performed with the Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI) developed by Cameron and Quinn (2006). Results indicate that there is a significant difference in the perceptions of the subjects between the dominant current and the dominant preferred type of organizational culture. In addition, a statistically significant difference (p<0.01) was found between Managers and clerks on the one hand and Supervisors on the other hand in terms of both the dominant current and the dominant preferred type of organizational culture. Finally, employees' perceptions of the dominant current and the dominant preferred type of organizational culture were found to be affected by other demographical characteristics, likeijhrs 82 age, total years of working in the same bank and total years of working in any bank. Future studies can extend the present work by examining additional parameters that affect employees' perceptions of organizational culture.

Belias D., Koustelios A., Gkolia A., Aspridis G., Kyriakou D., Varsanis K. (2015). Can Role Conflict and Autonomy make employees in the Greek Banking Organization satisfied and productive? International Journal of Strategic Innovative Marketing. Vol. 03 (2015) DOI: 10.15556/IJSIM.02.03.003. Page No 27 – 39

The requirements of modern globalized society are high and are much more pronounced in the field of economy. In this context the banking landscape is constantly changing and banks are required to cover the needs of customers and market, planning present strategic and utilizing the best human resources. The strategic objectives of bank 's employees depend their degree of satisfaction for the working conditions. The increase in productivity and the reduction of role conflict depends on the improvement of labor relations and the interest of employers to satisfy employees. The purpose of this study is to present, interpret and evaluate rates of employee' s satisfaction in the Greek Banking Organization. It also seeks to identify possible relationship between role conflict with the degree of satisfaction of employees, so as to highlight the need to upgrade the specific workplace.

Koutiva Μ., Belias D., Zournatzi E. & Κουστέλιος Α. (2014). How HR attribution well-being contributes to employees' affective commitment. SOCIAL SCIENCE TRIBUNE., University Of Thessaly, Volume 16 – Issue 63 . Page No 30 – 45.

ABSTRACT: The purpose of the present study was to reveal, that when the employees' attribution of HR practices is well being, the employees will show higher levels of affective commitment. The study took place at the individual level. The sample of the study consisted of 439 employees from 71 units of 35 different private organizations in the Netherlands. A scale of Nishii, Lepak & Schneider (2008) was used to asses 5 general practices, in order to measure the employees' perception of why these specific practices are used by the company (Cronbachs' α= 0,778) anchored at 1=strongly disagree and 5=strongly agree. A 3-item scale was used to asses affective commitment (Cronbachs' α= 0,782). The scale was designed according to Allen and Meyer (1990) and Moideenkutty, Blau, Kumar and Nalakath, (2001). The respondents rated the answers from 1 representing strongly disagree to 7 representing strongly agree. Results indicate that employees enjoy attribution well being (M=3.33, SD= 0.68), and show employees' affective commitment (MD=4.6, SD= 1.22). Attribution well being has a positive effect on affective commitment and the coefficient of the two variables is significant (β=.330, p=.000) and remains significant after controlling for age, gender and actual commitment focused HR practices (β=.334, p=.000). Future studies can extend this study by connecting it with employees' performance and/or the employers' actual intensions and with a longitudinal approach find out if the relationship shows reversed causality.

Γκόλια Α., Τσιώλη Σ., Μπελιάς Δ., Κουστέλιος A. (2014). Οργανωσιακή Κουλτούρα και Ηγεσία στην Εκπαίδευση, ΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΕΣ ΑΓΩΓΗΣ, ΤΡΙΜΗΝΙΑΙΑ ΕΚΔΟΣΗ ΤΟΥ ΠΑΙΔΑΓΩΓΙΚΟΥ ΤΜΗΜΑΤΟΣ Δ.Ε. ΤΟΥ ΠΑΝΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΙΟΥ ΚΡΗΤΗΣ, Εκδοτικός Όμιλος "ΙΩΝ". Τεύχος 1-2/2013 σελ. 15-31.

The aim of this article is to indicate through a literature review the importance of the effect of the relationship of school culture and educational leadership on students’ achievements and the productivity of teachers. e concept ‘culture’ includes the term ‘climate’. More specifically, when we talk about school culture we refer to the external places of schools and to the relationships among those people who belong to educational environments. Different examples of empirical researches show that the key to success in a school is the relationship between school culture and educational leadership with the main scope being the improvement of student’s achievements. Last but not least, it has been argued that ‘transformational’ leadership could create a safe school culture improving quality in education.