
Κουτίβα Μ., Μπελιάς Δ., Ζουρνατζή Ε. & Κουστέλιος Α. (2013). How HR attribution well being contributes to employees' affective commitment. 3o Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Εφαρμοσμένης Οικονομικής., 17-18 Μαΐου, Βόλος.

The purpose of the present study was to reveal, that when the employees' attribution of HR practices is well being, the employees will show higher levels of affective commitment. The study took place at the individual level. The sample of the study consisted of 439 employees from 71 units of 35 different private organizations in the Netherlands. A scale of Nishii, Lepak & Schneider (2008) was used to asses 5 general practices, in order to measure the employees' perception of why these specific practices are used by the company (Cronbachs' α= 0,778) anchored at 1=strongly disagree and 5=strongly agree. A 3-item scale was used to asses affective commitment (Cronbachs' α= 0,782). The scale was designed according to Allen and Meyer (1990) and Moideenkutty, Blau, Kumar and Nalakath, (2001). The respondents rated the answers from 1 representing strongly disagree to 7 representing strongly agree. Results indicate that employees enjoy attribution well being (M=3.33, SD= 0.68), and show employees' affective commitment (MD=4.6, SD= 1.22). Attribution well being has a positive effect on affective commitment and the coefficient of the two variables is significant (β=.330, p=.000) and remains significant after controlling for age, gender and actual commitment focused HR practices (β=.334, p=.000). Future studies can extend this study by connecting it with employees' performance and/or the employers' actual intensions and with a longitudinal approach find out if the relationship shows reversed causality.
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The purpose of the present study was to reveal, that when the employees' attribution of HR practices is well being, the employees will show higher levels of affective commitment. The study took place at the individual level. The sample of the study consisted of 439 employees from 71 units of 35 different private organizations in the Netherlands. A scale of Nishii, Lepak & Schneider (2008) was used to asses 5 general practices, in order to measure the employees' perception of why these specific practices are used by the company (Cronbachs' α= 0,778) anchored at 1=strongly disagree and 5=strongly agree. A 3-item scale was used to asses affective commitment (Cronbachs' α= 0,782). The scale was designed according to Allen and Meyer (1990) and Moideenkutty, Blau, Kumar and Nalakath, (2001). The respondents rated the answers from 1 representing strongly disagree to 7 representing strongly agree. Results indicate that employees enjoy attribution well being (M=3.33, SD= 0.68), and show employees' affective commitment (MD=4.6, SD= 1.22). Attribution well being has a positive effect on affective commitment and the coefficient of the two variables is significant (β=.330, p=.000) and remains significant after controlling for age, gender and actual commitment focused HR practices (β=.334, p=.000). Future studies can extend this study by connecting it with employees' performance and/or the employers' actual intensions and with a longitudinal approach find out if the relationship shows reversed causality.

The purpose of the present study was to reveal, that when the employees' attribution of HR practices is well being, the employees will show higher levels of affective commitment. The study took place at the individual level. The sample of the study consisted of 439 employees from 71 units of 35 different private organizations in the Netherlands. A scale of Nishii, Lepak & Schneider (2008) was used to asses 5 general practices, in order to measure the employees' perception of why these specific practices are used by the company (Cronbachs' α= 0,778) anchored at 1=strongly disagree and 5=strongly agree. A 3-item scale was used to asses affective commitment (Cronbachs' α= 0,782). The scale was designed according to Allen and Meyer (1990) and Moideenkutty, Blau, Kumar and Nalakath, (2001). The respondents rated the answers from 1 representing strongly disagree to 7 representing strongly agree. Results indicate that employees enjoy attribution well being (M=3.33, SD= 0.68), and show employees' affective commitment (MD=4.6, SD= 1.22). Attribution well being has a positive effect on affective commitment and the coefficient of the two variables is significant (β=.330, p=.000) and remains significant after controlling for age, gender and actual commitment focused HR practices (β=.334, p=.000). Future studies can extend this study by connecting it with employees' performance and/or the employers' actual intensions and with a longitudinal approach find out if the relationship shows reversed causality.