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Entrepreneurship among graduates: Reality and prospects in tertiary education. Proceedings of the Academy of Entrepreneurship, 13(1), 75-82. Vasiliadis, A, & Poulios, T. (2007).

Vasiliadis, A, & Poulios, T. (2007). Entrepreneurship among graduates: Reality and prospects in tertiary education. Proceedings of the Academy of Entrepreneurship, 13(1), 75-82.

The Observatory of Sustainable Tourism in the Northern Sporades Islands in Greece

The paper presents the project and the methodology of the establishment of a sustainable tourism observatory in the islands of the Northern Sporades in Greece in 2021. The mission of the observatory ( will be the collection of tourist data for the measuring of indicators and the estimation of tourist trends, in order to provide evidence for a sustainable tourism development in the region. The Northern Sporades Islands are a small complex of islands in the North-west Aegean Sea, which show especially in the last 20 years intense tourist growth. At the same time, the area is distinguished by special natural features such as the National marine park, which are a nature reserve for a series of terrestrial and marine species living in the Mediterranean Sea, including the Mediterranean monk seal (Monachus monachus).

Obstacles for entering e-business: the gender aspect. Allied Academic International Conference, 6 (1), 1-12 Poulios, T & Vasiliadis, A. (2007).

Women entrepreneurship is an important research field while women have been underrepresented to the most fields of the economy. The present article attempts a first literature review to the women obstacles in e-business enterprises. Moreover we present the results of a conducted qualitative research for the women’s opinion in net entrepreneurship and the obstacles that they face. The research confirms what international literature states and shows that women face more obstacles and problems than men do in entering and developing an e- entrepreneurial life. This is observed because women should combine family and professional life playing different roles, while they are obliged to face gender stereotypes that are still exist in our society. Future research should focus on the opinions of the entrepreneurs researching them in a quantitative way.

Belias D., Koutiva M., Zournatzi E. & Koustelios A. (2013). Occupational Commitment and Occupational stress among Greek bank employees. 7o Διεθνές Συνέδριο Διοίκησης και Οικονομίας, 8-10 Ιουνίου, Λάρισα.

The purpose of this study was: a) to investigate the level of "Work Engagement" and "Perceived Work Stress" in the Greek Banking Sector, b) to examine if the demographic characteristics affect the "Work Engagement" and "Perceived Work Stress" and c) to reveal the relationship between these two concepts. The sample of this study was 238 bank employees. To measure engagement, Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES) (Schaufeli et al., 2002b, Schaufeli & Bakker, 2004) was used. To measure perceived work stress was used the questionnaire that had been designed by Cohen and his associates (Cohen, Karmarck, & Mermelstein, 1983). The results show that the level of work Engagement of bank employees was high and that bank employees experienced a high level of work stress. Moreover, it was revealed that the gender, the age, the marital status, the level of studies, the year of service and the position that someone had in the bank affect both the levels of work Engagement and of perceived work stress. Furthermore, it was found that there is a negative correlation between Engagement and Perceived Work Stress.

Mpelias, D., & Koustelios, A. (2012). An application of ICT technologies on the teaching of accounting: the case of LMS. London International Conference on Education (LICE), London, U.K.

In the past years, the role of the accountant has changed due to the continuous development of the market economy. As we enter the technological era, students and teachers have both changed their methods of learning and acquiring information, making the implementation of ICT technologies in the teaching process of accounting a necessity. In the present study, we propose a research outline of a web based tool for the teaching of accounting in replacement of traditional classroom teaching. The main objectives of the present research are the following: 1) The application of an LMS system as main teaching tool of an accounting course and 2) The comparison of the LMS tool to traditional lecture type teaching method.

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