
Belias D., Koustelios A., Sdolias L., Aspridis G. (2015). JOB SATISFACTION, ROLE CONFLICT AND AYTONOMY OF EMPLOYEES IN THE GREEK BANKING ORGANIZATION. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences. 175 ( 2015 ) 324 – 333

The aim of the present study is to measure the levels of job satisfaction, role conflict and autonomy of employees in the Greek Banking Organization. In addition, the investigation of the relation between role conflict and the dimensions of job satisfaction is being attempted and the regulatory impact of autonomy in the aforementioned relationship is being analyzed. For the measurement of job satisfaction in the present study, the Employee Satisfaction Inventory-ESI (Koustelios, 1991; Koustelios & Bagiatis, 1997) was used. The inventory was created using Greek employees as a sample. It included 24 items which measure six dimensions of job satisfaction: 1. Working conditions, 2. Salary, 3. Promotions, 4. Work itself, 5. Immediate superior and 6. The organization as a whole For the measurement of role conflict, the Role Questionnaire (Rizzo, House, & Lirtzman, 1970) was used. The scale consisted of eight items. Finally, for the measurement of employees' autonomy a scale developed by Beehr (1976) was used. The scale consisted of four items. The results of the study confirmed previous findings, according to which role conflict is negatively correlated with job satisfaction. In addition, autonomy has a moderating role in the relation between role conflict and job satisfaction. Research findings like these should be taken into serious consideration by superiors and managers, so that job satisfaction among Greek bank employees is increased and promoted, leading to higher productivity and general well-being.
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The aim of the present study is to measure the levels of job satisfaction, role conflict and autonomy of employees in the Greek Banking Organization. In addition, the investigation of the relation between role conflict and the dimensions of job satisfaction is being attempted and the regulatory impact of autonomy in the aforementioned relationship is being analyzed. For the measurement of job satisfaction in the present study, the Employee Satisfaction Inventory-ESI (Koustelios, 1991; Koustelios & Bagiatis, 1997) was used. The inventory was created using Greek employees as a sample. It included 24 items which measure six dimensions of job satisfaction: 1. Working conditions, 2. Salary, 3. Promotions, 4. Work itself, 5. Immediate superior and 6. The organization as a whole For the measurement of role conflict, the Role Questionnaire (Rizzo, House, & Lirtzman, 1970) was used. The scale consisted of eight items. Finally, for the measurement of employees' autonomy a scale developed by Beehr (1976) was used. The scale consisted of four items. The results of the study confirmed previous findings, according to which role conflict is negatively correlated with job satisfaction. In addition, autonomy has a moderating role in the relation between role conflict and job satisfaction. Research findings like these should be taken into serious consideration by superiors and managers, so that job satisfaction among Greek bank employees is increased and promoted, leading to higher productivity and general well-being.

The aim of the present study is to measure the levels of job satisfaction, role conflict and autonomy of employees in the Greek Banking Organization. In addition, the investigation of the relation between role conflict and the dimensions of job satisfaction is being attempted and the regulatory impact of autonomy in the aforementioned relationship is being analyzed. For the measurement of job satisfaction in the present study, the Employee Satisfaction Inventory-ESI (Koustelios, 1991; Koustelios & Bagiatis, 1997) was used. The inventory was created using Greek employees as a sample. It included 24 items which measure six dimensions of job satisfaction: 1. Working conditions, 2. Salary, 3. Promotions, 4. Work itself, 5. Immediate superior and 6. The organization as a whole For the measurement of role conflict, the Role Questionnaire (Rizzo, House, & Lirtzman, 1970) was used. The scale consisted of eight items. Finally, for the measurement of employees' autonomy a scale developed by Beehr (1976) was used. The scale consisted of four items. The results of the study confirmed previous findings, according to which role conflict is negatively correlated with job satisfaction. In addition, autonomy has a moderating role in the relation between role conflict and job satisfaction. Research findings like these should be taken into serious consideration by superiors and managers, so that job satisfaction among Greek bank employees is increased and promoted, leading to higher productivity and general well-being.