



  1.      GENERAL















  1.            PURPOSE

The purpose of the master's thesis is for the student to prepare, through a process of personal research and under the guidance of the supervising professor, a dissertation on the topic - subject that he has chosen and proposed following a relevant proposal (proposal). The above dissertation should present:

• clearly defined contribution to Project and Program Management, either through conducting original research, or through the control and application of relevant theories and methodologies,

• Sufficiently documented research methodology and systematic application and utilization of appropriate techniques of data collection, analysis and processing,

• comprehensive knowledge of the research subject of the dissertation, including the possibility of a critical view of the relevant literature, and finally

• integration of research work in the broader subject of Project and Program Management.



The research objectives and the content of each postgraduate thesis (MD) should be relevant to the subject matter of Project and Program Management and should fall within a field of knowledge or areas of knowledge.In addition, students will attend six (6) 2-hour lectures on research methods, during which they will be asked to develop the proposal of the MDE, which is evaluated before its preparation. The research methods refer to techniques of collection and processing of valid data, but also to their documentation with scientific methods (e.g., field research, bibliographic review, statistical analysis, etc.).




The main learning goal that must be achieved during the preparation of the master's thesis is the student to develop the necessary cognitive background associated with the critical consideration of the subject of the master's thesis but also with the systematic application of research methodologies and techniques. Specifically, upon completion of the master's thesis, the student must prove that:

• understands, evaluates critically, and applies techniques for identifying and developing a research object that is a research problem related to the field of Project and Program Management.

• selects and formulates clearly specific research goals and problems that present (at a postgraduate level) scientific originality and practical interest,

• understands and evaluates the correlations between research objectives-problems, scientific literature, research methodologies, data collection and analysis techniques, drawing conclusions, and finally administrative decision-making methods,

• applies search procedures and critically examines the scientific literature relevant to the research topic.

• conducts research and draws conclusions that are understandable and lead to interesting results,

• understands the differences between quantitative research strategies and qualitative research strategies, and applies them either independently or in combination, depending on the specific requirements of the research,

• understands the advantages and disadvantages of research techniques, systematically applies research techniques, and documents the options that follow,

• relies on primarily and / or secondary data which it checks for their adequacy, reliability, and validity,

• formulates comprehensible and useful conclusions that prove the knowledge of the subject, and the possibility of critical consideration of other relevant published research results,

• understands and formulates limitations - weaknesses of research work,

• identifies possible directions of future research on the specific area and in accordance with the initial research objectives, and finally

• generally, enriches his / her cognitive background to be strengthened in his / her further research and professional pursuits.